Friday, April 11, 2008

Is God real?

IS Is God really real? I've asked myself this a couple of times. And as soon as I ask myself that question, I'm taken on a journey of my past. Times when I've cried and been upset. I realised: I hadn't kept crying? How odd, i thought I wouldn't get through such times. But that is actually true, I didn't get through anything, it must've been somebody else I can't remember.

I go for a walk in my mind outside. I think about the tall trees and the short trees and the trees that haven't yet grown. I think about the animals, the cats, the dogs, the fish. How do fish even breathe under water?! I think about how the sky is blue and the clouds are white. About how the most beautiful colour seen can only be found in nature. I'm a bit less uncertain of this God by now..

Then I think of people. Other people who go about their lives, people that also cry and get angry. I wonder about how people whose personalities clash at every opportunity can come together because they have some greater power in common? I think about how peoples' eyes are so pretty, and their hair is so straight and how their hair is so thick. I think about how peoples' feet and hands are made, making it easy for them to walk(some exceptions of course).
I think about the tie that binds a couple together and think "surely, they can't have created this tie themselves?" I realise it is love.

And then... I stop walking for a bit, think about everything that I've thought about and when I've done this, I stop thinking. I close my eyes in wonder and awe of something that links all these things up, people, animals, nature. What do they have in common? They all smell? Hardly, they must have been made by something the same. Because they all have Beauty in common. Surely you can't just purchase from such Beauty from a Foodtown at Manukau.

And yes, when I open my eyes I realise, I realise... God is Real.

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